Thursday, February 8, 2007

My First EVER Blog Post, wow...

I can't believe it has taken me so long to set up a blog, considering I have an education in computer science and have been working in high tech companies for over 20 years, I should have been on the bleeding edge of this BLOG thing, right? Actually I have been fighting it, never thought it had any value (ha). But recently, as an outlet, I have been surfing blogs, and I think I am becoming addicted to them. I have no idea why I would care about what's going on in a perfect strangers life....

I got sucked into the blog world when I read Jennifer Lancaster's book: Bitter is the new black. It was a scream, I laughed out loud in public places while reading (I got some strange looks). That book was based on her blogs and it piqued my curiosity, so I looked her blog up.

From there I have been blog hopping and finding all sorts of flavors of blogs. I have been gravitating to the medical blogs (perhaps that is because if I had it to do again I WOULD have gone to Medical School instead of getting my MBA and going down the business path.....I digress)

I have been encouraged by my management team to start a BLOG that is related to my line of work and deals with my expertise, but I figured I would start this one instead :-) I NEED an outlet for the crap I deal with daily.

Have you read the book "The Devil Wears Prada"? Well if you haven't then you won't understand when I say I work in an environment that is as dysfunctional and dictorial as that book depicts. I realize it’s about the fashion industry, but I "Live" a lot of that craziness in my organization. Our "leader" is a clone of the boss lady.....hence my need to vent.

Can't say that I will be posting all the time, just when it is the craziest and possibly when I have the least amount of time (I tend to find things to do other than work when I have a lot on my plate).

Ahh, I feel better already now that I have a place set up to vent.......


Medblog Addict said...

Congrats on starting the new blog. It looks great and I've bookmarked it so I'll definitely be back. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Here's all I know about blogs: First, get Site Meter. It will tell you who visits your blog and where they come from. StatCounter and Tracksy also track your visitors. I think the best way to attract visitors is to leave comments on other people's blogs. I rarely comment on other people's blogs, so I don't have that many readers or links to my blog. A couple of months ago, Kim at Emergiblog wrote a post to help nurses set up blogs. You might want to check that out. Blogging is kind of addictive after you start getting a few readers. Have fun.

jmb said...

Heh, Whine lover. I'm addicted to medblogs myself and wish I'd thought of that title first, but MBA beat me to it. I'm a newbie too, had an identity for quite a while, so I could comment. Just made myself a blog recently, now have three posts. I had a few comments on the first post then nothing since. I'm actually considering making a comment on my own blog every post, I hate to see that 0 comments. I see you have a blogroll and I haven't figured out how to do that yet. I'm not a good writer but I've been satisfied with my posts so far and frankly it's for yourself anyway, true? But I do love reading medblogs, my favourites are Musings from a Distractable Mind-Random Thoughts (it's hilarious) and Michael C Hebert, MD (it's quite a literary blog). But how I can I choose, I love them all and admire so much that they can write so well and have a practice and a life too. Heh, practically a post in itself. Good luck, I've added you to my favourites, got to get that blogroll stuff sorted out!

jmb said...

Heh, Whine lover. I'm addicted to medblogs myself and wish I'd thought of that title first, but MBA beat me to it. I'm a newbie too, had an identity for quite a while, so I could comment. Just made myself a blog recently, now have three posts. I had a few comments on the first post then nothing since. I'm actually considering making a comment on my own blog every post, I hate to see that 0 comments. I see you have a blogroll and I haven't figured out how to do that yet. I'm not a good writer but I've been satisfied with my posts so far and frankly it's for yourself anyway, true? But I do love reading medblogs, my favourites are Musings from a Distractable Mind-Random Thoughts (it's hilarious) and Michael C Hebert, MD (it's quite a literary blog). But how I can I choose, I love them all and admire so much that they can write so well and have a practice and a life too. Heh, practically a post in itself. Good luck, I've added you to my favourites, got to get that blogroll stuff sorted out!

jmb said...

Oh sorry, I accidentally posted my comment twice, what a dolt. But now you have another comment to add to the numbers!