Monday, February 26, 2007

A Whine Drama Weekend

Have you ever heard of CLUB sports? Well I had not until this year, and I wish I had not. My daughter is an excellent athlete. I have been told so by coaches over the years. I was encouraged to get her into a "club" to strengthen and hone her skills, a chance for a scholarship I am told. Those are the key words to any parents ears (now you should hear the first loud sucking noise, it was at this point I was sucked into the vortex of this money machine).

There were tryouts at different clubs. Which club would give her the best chance to excel? Which club had the best reputation? Which gave the best exposure? UGH ARG!!!!!!!!!!

I was clueless. I went with the club that was the closest and where most of her team mates went. She made the top national team (I thought at the time, yippee). So the practices began and so did the tournaments.

In a very short time I realized this was a money machine. The cost to me to start was 3K. That didn't include my travel costs, food, can see where I am going.

Every tournament charges to get in, you buy their food, you buy their drinks, etc.....$$$$$$

Now I am finding out that the coaches for the clubs are also the area's high school coaches. The coaches FEED the clubs. They tell the girls you will not make varsity unless you are in a club (unofficial). It is almost like a cartel.

But that's the background to the drama this weekend.

I REFUSED to be a club mom. I will not pester the coach about my daughters playing time. I will not pester the coach about anything, period. Let him do his job. But guess what? If you don't, your kid gets pushed aside. ITS DOG EAT DOG!!!!

I was told by the Club owner my daughter was the third best athlete they had in ALL their club for all ages (she is 15, it goes to 18). Yet, she has had no playing time. HMMMM. I just drove 5.5 hours one way this weekend to a tournament to watch my daughter sit on the bench. The reason. They changed her position. This new position is completely different from the one she plays in high school (A position she is good at, the position I am paying to have her improve on).

So since they changed her position, she isn't as good, they don't play her in the games.


Because it seems there is a mother that demanded her darling play the position my daughter had and they caved.

The gloves are off, I am about to be a CLUB MOM, oy........................

(also wondering if she really is good enough for scholarships if the coaches are feeding players into these have to wonder)


jmb said...

Great whine, Whiney. But what the heck sport does she play? Basketball is all I could think of from this post.
But listen, you've got to get in there. Of course, everyone else will hate you, especially the coach! It's the price you have to pay!
My daughter used to be a university professor but now teaches French in a high school (for twice the salary I might add). She says the thing she hates most of all about high school is the parents who constantly whine about why little X only got a B instead of an A or why didn't you let me know he/she wasn't handing in the homework, blah, blah, blah.

Whine Lover said...

It's club volleyball (my image is the volleyball cart I see at every practice :-)

Despite my namesake, I am not a public complainer, I just play one on my blog :-)

I wrote a note to the coach and I have been stressing about it ever since. I am afraid of hurting his feelings!! What the heck is wrong with me!!! :-)

jmb said...

You're human! That's what's wrong with you. No cure in sight.
How about poisoned chocolate for some of the players? I hope she gets some game time soon.