Thursday, February 22, 2007

"you need a band aid for what????"

I love kids, they are so funny, especially when they are not tyring to be. I am blessed with five (yes five, however only 2 live here full time). The fun times are never-ending.

My 10 year old son recently yelled from the shower "MOM!! I NEED A BAND AID". Hmm, I wondered, why does he need a band aid in the shower? I figured he got a hold of his sister's razor and was "practicing" shaving his face, so I was chuckling to myself as I walked up the stairs to his room.

There stood my son, shielded behind the shower door with his hand out to grab the bandage. I asked why he needed this, assured I knew what the answer would be, I was wrong......

"I cut my butt shaving" were the words I heard.

"you did what?"

"Mom, just give me the band aid and don't ask, PLEASE!!!"

I did, and left. But I didn't let it go at that. I pressed for an answer when he was done. I finally got a response: "I didn't want a hairy butt like Will Farrell"

Okay, what the heck does that mean????? I found out he had seen the movie Ricky Bobby...( something or another ) at his father's and at the end you see Will's butt. He said it was disgusting with so much hair, he was starting now to make sure he NEVER had such a behind.

I said its not worth the trouble......

I just shook my head and walked away laughing hysterically inside my head.


jmb said...

It's a long time since my son was 10 but does a ten year old have hair anywhere near his butt? You'd think with 5 you'd have seen it all, but no they continue to surprise.
Very funny story Whine Lover

Whine Lover said...

nope, just peach fuzz, that's what it made so funny :-)