Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Need to get out more

It was this past weekend's road trip to my daughters volleyball tournament that I realized my kids need to get out more.

We live in a large metropolitan area, and it's not like my kids have not been to other places, it's just that they have done so via an airplane. By doing this, they go from one metro-plex to another, never really getting to see the "real" US of A.

We were on a 5.5 hour road trip to Arkansas, passing mostly through Oklahoma. My daughter and her team mate were too busy watching her iPod, texting friends, and singing their disgusting songs to notice the country side. We stopped for a bite to eat, and let me tell you, it took us a long time to find a sit down restaurant, as there seemed to only be fast food joints on this long trip.

It was a home town Mexican food place. Nothing fancy, very simple, and it was clean, so we ventured in. It was at this dinning experience that I realized this kid had to get out more.

We are looking over the menu and she leans over and whispers to me: "do you think their meat is safe?" I busted up laughing. "Darling Daughter", I said, "we are still in the United States, not a third world country. The meat is good."

I think we need more road trips.....

1 comment:

jmb said...

Even pre-iPod and cell phone days, my kids used to read in the back seat when we drove all over Canada and the western United States. I don't know how they did it, I get carsick unless I drive!
But by all means, get out more. Any excuse.